High-precision bars for engineering industry
Industrial high-precision bars are applicable in chemical, oil industry for machines parts and units production.
The company produces
- long-length peeled round bars with special surface finishing, length is up to 10 500 mm according to GOST
14955-77; - high-precision long-length peeled bars with special surface finishing made of alloyed and corrosion-resistant stainless steel grades including bars made of special high-precision corrosion-resistant steel grade in accordance with TU
Bars are made of steels 03Х14Н7В and 05Х16Н4Д2Б. Length of the bar is up to 9000 mm. Diameter is
- bars with flushing hole D8,2±1,2 and 7,1±1,2 mm pursuant to TU
14-1-5556-2007. Flushing hole function is process liquid flow.
Bars are made of steel 38ХГМФТ pursuant to TU
We can provide bars made of heat-hardened steel.
Our steel with special surface finishing in the form of bars made of corrosion-resistant stainless steels was certified by the Best Quality Class.
Quality management system certification improves working efficiency of the plant, its competitive ability, and forms image of reliable and stable partner.
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